


公司预计将花费近3美元.8 trillion on technology in 2019, according to leading global research firm Gartner. The shift towards cloud-based systems will be a key driver of growth, along with investments in software 和 communication services.

随着越来越多的组织投资于数字化转型, there is a growing dem和 for experienced technology leaders. 根据 劳工部, employment for IT managers is expected to increase by 12 percent through 2026, 添加超过44,000个新工作岗位. 其中许多工作将在金融领域, 制造业, healthcare 和 government sectors because these organizations must be able to secure, 存储和分析大量数据.

If you’re interested in helping companies prepare for the future, then 成为一名技术经理 对你来说可能是一条正确的道路吗.

Here are the skills you’ll need to be a successful tech manager:

1. 战略思考

IT managers typically have several years of technology 和 business experience. They are big-picture thinkers 和 underst和 the role that technology plays in helping an organization achieve its overall business goals. 他们在组织的战略规划中起着关键作用, 帮助识别和预测未来的技术需求, 以及提高现有系统的效率.

2. 较强的沟通能力

成为一名成功的IT经理, your interpersonal skills need to be as well developed as your technical skills. 除了激励他们的团队, IT managers must be able to establish relationships with other company leaders to launch new initiatives 和 educate employees 和 stakeholders as new technologies 和 systems are implemented.

3. 能够在压力下工作

从网站故障到隐私泄露, IT managers are responsible for ensuring that an organization’s systems are secure 和 functioning properly. When issues arise, they have to remain calm 和 work quickly to find a solution. If you’re a logical thinker 和 you enjoy solving problems, you could thrive in an IT manager role.

4. 注重细节

对于一个组织来说,技术上的错误可能代价高昂, especially if private or sensitive information is compromised as a result. A 研究 by IBM Securities found that each data breach costs companies an average $3.8600万年. 注重细节 can help minimize the potential for error, 但更重要的是, it allows IT managers to identify 和 correct possible problems before they occur.

5. 幸运28计划管理技能

IT经理必须有很强的 幸运28计划管理技能. They need to know how to h和le budgets 和 manage timelines when working with multiple groups of people both inside 和 outside of an organization. 例如, an IT manager might be involved in planning upgrades of existing software or hardware, 与供应商谈判, 或者协调安装一个新的计算机系统. Successful IT managers are able to complete these projects on time 和 without errors.

6. 不断学习的欲望

持续教育是成功的重要组成部分 IT经理的工作. 技术在不断发展, 和 IT leaders need to be up to speed on the latest innovations in order to provide organizations with the best possible solutions. 行业认可的认证, 比如思科或CompTIA提供的服务, can help IT leaders exp和 their technical skillsets 和 differentiate themselves in the competition for leadership roles. 例如, the CCNP is an advanced Cisco certification that demonstrates high-level networking skills. Many IT professionals will start out by earning their CCNA 和 build up to expert-level certifications to advance their careers.

7. 管理和领导技能

Most employers require a master’s degree for advanced management roles. Consider an 工商管理硕士 program that focuses on technical, strategic 和 managerial concepts, such as an 工商管理硕士.

These programs will help you develop a strong foundation of leadership 和 critical thinking skills so you can take your IT管理职业 更上一层楼.

技术(IT)经理 一份正在成长的工作是否有足够的职业发展空间. 事实上, U.S. 新闻与世界报道 recently ranked IT managers as the third-best technology job in 2023, 和 the 8th best job overall. 发现 信息技术(IT)经理挣多少钱 美国各州的平均水平.

A 技术管理专业本科以上学历 可以帮助您开始入门级IT角色吗, 比如数据库开发的初级职位, 网站开发, 分析或编程. 有经验和额外的教育, you can advance to supervisory 和 management roles within a technology setting, or even executive roles like IT director or Chief 技术 Officer.

Learn more about the Herzing 技术管理 degree program




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