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Unlike traditional internships, 实习是专门设计的,将学术学习与专业实践联系起来.

Have you ever tried to learn another langu年龄 overnight? 这并不容易,当你开始一个新的学位课程时,这正是你的感觉. 即使是准备最充分的学生,你所期望的新术语和新事物也会让你感到困惑. 在任何医疗保健或护理学位课程中,你都会听到的一个词是 实习. It’s not a word out of a Harry Potter spell, 这是让你从课堂走向职业生涯的重要阶段. 实习到底是什么,为什么它是学习中如此重要的一部分?

Let's explore the fundamentals of 一些实习课程, how they can shape your academic 和 professional future, 以及赫京大学如何在学生经历的每一步中为他们提供支持.

What is a Practicum?

用最简单的术语来说,实习是在监督下对你所学领域的实际应用. Often a m和atory component of professional degree programs, the purpose of a 实习 is for students to gain h和s-on, real-world experience in classroom theory 和 skills training.

Unlike traditional internships, 一些实习课程 是专门设计来连接学术学习和专业实践的吗. Practicums also are typically more structured 并受到学术机构和主办单位的密切监控, ensuring that participation is both meaningful 和 educational.


参加实习是课程作业和现实世界学习的令人兴奋的结合. 您将深入学习涵盖您所在领域关键能力的课程,同时获得将这些知识付诸实践的机会. 你的作业,讨论和实地工作都是为了创造一个无缝的, integrative experience.

When you’re in the field, your main job will be shadowing. But don’t worry–you won’t be doing it alone! You’ll have a mentor or supervisor who is an experienced professional, guiding you every step of the way. 他们会帮助你正确地应用你的课程和技能培训,并确保你与你的课程目标和目的保持一致.

例如, if you’re in a nursing clinical 实习, you’ll work in an acute care setting, such as a clinic or hospital, 在该组织工作的合格教师的监督下. 如果你在做社会工作实习——通常被称为实地教育——你可能会发现自己在一所学校, mental health clinic, senior center or other community 和 government 年龄ncies, supervised by a social work professional.

At Herzing University, 大多数实习学生将每周与他们的实地指导老师见面,并提交每周交流表格,以支持成功的学习. 此外,现场教育主任可以在您的整个旅程中提供一对一的支持.

The Many Benefits of a Practicum

实习不仅仅是一个应用你在课堂上学到的东西的机会——它是 packed with benefits that can shape your future career. 

  • Professional Development: A 实习 helps students gain essential professional skills, such as time man年龄ment, teamwork 和 collaboration, problem-solving 和 effective communication.
  • 构建网络: Practicums are fantastic for networking. 学生可以与他们的导师和机构或组织的工作人员建立牢固的联系, which can be incredibly helpful in their future job search.
  • Realistic Underst和ing: 学生们将有机会亲身体验他们所选择职业的日常现实, 使他们能够为毕业后的生活做好准备并顺利过渡.

How to Find Your Perfect Practicum

所有 students must complete an 8-week 实习 readiness training. 在此期间, 你将会见实地教育主任,讨论你的职业目标和兴趣. 然后,你要找出三家可能非常适合你的当地机构或组织 field 实习 placement. Whether you attend class on campus or are fully online, finding a nearby placement is essential for building a network where you plan to start your career

一旦你确定了潜在的机构和组织的安置, 主任将在整个申请和面试过程中提供实际支持, making sure everything is set f或者是 following semester.

Four Ways to Make the Most of Your Practicum

A 实习 can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of it:

  • 保持忙碌: Take an active role in your 实习. 提出问题,寻找学习机会,在尝试新事物时保持开放的心态.
  • 建立联系: Use this opportunity to build professional relationships. 人脉可以提供有价值的联系,并为未来的就业打开大门.
  • Reflect Regularly: Reflection 和 feedback are key to deepening your underst和ing. 记日记,参与讨论,从你的主管那里得到反馈. 
  • 显示幸运28计划不要害怕承担额外的责任或自愿参加幸运28计划. Showing initiative can make a lasting impression, enhance your learning experience, 和 build a good reputation.


无论你是一名护理专业的学生,在急症护理方面有临床实习,还是一名社会工作专业的学生,都在学习基本的客户技能, remember to make the most of this opportunity. Eng年龄 actively, build connections, 和 embrace every learning moment. 你的实习不仅仅是你学习经历的一个必要部分——它是一个独特的时期,你可以测试你的知识, grow your skills 和 prepare for a successful future. 

Dive in, stay curious, 和 enjoy the journey! Learn more about the Herzing MSW 程序 Field Education 或者是 Herzing Clinical Placement Pledge for nursing students.

Learn More 关于 Our Career 幸运28计划


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, including prior experience, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, will affect career outcomes 和 earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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