

Empowering Parents: How to Avoid Burnout While Pursuing Education

还记得, 在通往更伟大事业的道路上,你并不孤单, 和 every step you take toward your goals is a testament to your resilience 和 determination—you’ve got this!

It’s no secret that balancing life as a parent can be a challenge. 不用说,父母是 回到学校 有很多事情要做.

As a parent juggling family responsibilities 和 academic commitments, 这很容易让人感到不知所措和压力山大. 当这种心理, 情绪和身体上的压力会持续很长一段时间, 它最终会导致倦怠, 让你觉得自己一无所有.

为了你的幸福, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of burnout 和 put strategies in place to maintain a healthy work-life balance while pursuing additional career skills.


Burnout develops over time, which can make it harder to recognize. 根据 中央社报道,如果你感到筋疲力尽,你可能会:

  • 总是感到筋疲力尽.
  • 在你的日常生活中感到很少或没有兴奋.
  • Feel negative 和 cynical about your job, classes, 和 other people.
  • 努力幸运28计划精力完成任务.
  • 感到自我怀疑、无助和失败.
  • 考虑放弃你的工作或学校.

不是每个精疲力竭的人都会有这些症状, but seeing even one or two in your life could be a warning sign. Eventually, burnout can st和 in the way of the goals you have been working so hard to achieve. It can also create a ripple effect that touches every aspect of your life, 从家庭到工作再到社交生活.


If you start noticing the signs of burnout, there are steps you can take to help. 甚至更好的, you can put a plan into place to help you achieve a healthier work-life balance 和 avoid the burnout cycle before it begins, 用这六个策略:


管理你的时间 is one of the best ways to prevent 和 stop burnout, 和 staying organized 是至关重要的.

Start using a daily calendar to ensure you allocate enough time to each item on your to-do list. 不仅要根据紧急程度,还要根据重要性对任务进行排序.

This can help you avoid scrambling at the last minute 和 pinpoint any time-draining habits that may contribute to your stress. It also ensures you don’t unintentionally neglect important family commitments over your coursework. 还记得, 为自己和他人设定界限, 比如在必要时说“不”, 是有效管理时间不可或缺的因素吗.


Parents can significantly ease the challenge of childcare by tapping into financial aid opportunities, 就像 儿童看护意味着父母在学校 格兰特(CCAMPIS). CCAMPIS拨款是一个联邦幸运28计划,通过美国.S. Department of Education that assists parents with the cost of keeping their children enrolled in a quality childcare center.

通过这项拨款, 贺晶大学旨在让家长安心, 知道他们的孩子被放在保险柜里, 有执照和认可的托儿中心, enabling them to dedicate more time to their pursuit of education.


Herzing大学的另一个宝贵资源是 技巧辅导. This online platform provides students with 24/7 access to one-on-one peer tutoring. Through Knack, students are connected with fellow Herzing peers who know what it takes to succeed 和 want to help other students do the same.

个性化的关注, discussions on complex topics 和 advice from someone who knows what it is like to be where you are, 学生可以加深对课程材料的理解, 在工作中保持积极性, 而不是觉得他们必须自己做所有的事情.


照顾好自己 是至关重要的. 作为带着孩子的父母, 人们很容易把他们的需求置于自己的需求之上, but neglecting self-care only leads to exhaustion 和 irritability.

确保你得到 足够的睡眠 用健康的食物滋养你的身体. A quick fix like coffee or a sugary snack might give you a temporary boost, 但是没有均衡的饮食, 之后你可能会崩溃. Incorporate nutrient-rich foods into your diet to stay energized throughout the day.

此外,让体育锻炼成为你日常生活的一部分. Even a short 15-minute walk can boost your energy levels, clear your mind 和 alleviate stress. 


每一项成就,无论大小,都值得肯定! Be your own cheerleader by celebrating your victories 和 giving yourself grace during challenging times. Going back to school as a parent is a huge achievement in itself. You’re not just pursuing your dreams; you’re taking the steps necessary to create a better life for your family 和 set an inspiring example your children can remember!


最后,不要害怕向你的朋友寻求帮助 支持系统. 如果你有问题或需要建议, your Herzing大学 advisor 和 instructors are here to help. 他们可以把你和有价值的联系起来 学生服务资源 通过你的大学.

让你的朋友和家人也来帮忙. 让他们成为一个支持性的社区, 不管是接孩子放学, 当你在家学习或工作时照顾孩子, or even simply being a listening ear you can talk to about your experiences, 胜利, 和挣扎.

Being a parent in school can be a scary, cour年龄ous, 和 rewarding experience. 它也有自己的挑战. 通过识别倦怠的迹象, putting strategies in place 和 utilizing your school’s resources, you can prevent burnout 和 navigate this journey with greater ease.

还记得, 在通往更伟大事业的道路上,你并不孤单, 和 every step you take toward your goals is a testament to your resilience 和 determination—you’ve got this!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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